SJVAQS91: Logbook Entries

SJVAQS91: LOG Messages: 15 Entries..

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Entry Date Title Site Author #Graphics
42 Tue 16-Jul-1991Twin Otter just left nonespo
51 Fri 19-Jul-1991visitors nonespo
57 Sat 20-Jul-1991C-FPOK just left site nonespo
65 Mon 22-Jul-1991Pearson out at eddy tower nonespo
66 Mon 22-Jul-1991visitors today nonespo
80 Wed 24-Jul-1991Crop dusting nonespo
99 Fri 26-Jul-1991Took photos from front of array this mo nonetwh
100 Fri 26-Jul-1991Measurements of canopy height: nonetwh
101 Fri 26-Jul-1991/home at 95% at 8am pdt. nonetwh
117 Tue 30-Jul-1991Power Failure occurred at 23:15, JD 210 nonetwh
130 Wed 31-Jul-1991Irrigation of array area. noneacd
164 Wed 13-Nov-1991SJVAQS data requested by Bill Massman; noneacd
165 Thu 14-Nov-1991Status of calibrations: noneacd
168 Tue 19-Nov-1991Compendium of conversion factors used f noneacd

42: LOG , Site none, Tue 16-Jul-1991 22:34:17 GMT, Twin Otter just left
Twin Otter just left 
They did two groups of 12 passes (visiting I5 in between for 15 minutes) 
during the last 2 hours or so. 
51: LOG , Site none, Fri 19-Jul-1991 00:43:36 GMT, visitors
Today, Walt arrived (bringing me) and his friend Roy showed up later. 
Note that Walt was up the psyc mast about an hour ago to take a picture. 
Yesterday, Jim Podolski and another Jim and Walt were here from about  
1100-1430 (local). 
The day before that (Tues), Ray Desjardins and another person showed up  
from about 1300-1430 (local). 
On Sat. night, Poul Hummelsford (sp?) from RISOE will arrive in Fresno 
for the tour on Sunday.   
We should have the visitors sign up in logbook! 
57: LOG , Site none, Sat 20-Jul-1991 21:13:34 GMT, C-FPOK just left site
C-FPOK just left site 
They made 4-5 runs, and are now off to do a southerly regional run. 
Our ozone wasn't working, and the sonic was spiking, as usual.  Also, 
Wim's sensor was reading quite high, despite my wetting of it about 
30 minutes ago.  Oh well... 
65: LOG , Site none, Mon 22-Jul-1991 00:26:45 GMT, Pearson out at eddy tower
Pearson out at eddy tower 
He has been there almost continuously since around 1300 local, and will 
probably be there for another hour at least. 
66: LOG , Site none, Mon 22-Jul-1991 01:16:37 GMT, visitors today
visitors today 
Poul Hummelsford (sp?) was here from about 1140-1500 local 
Larry Mahrt and Jim Pederson were here from about 1330-1600 local 
80: LOG , Site none, Wed 24-Jul-1991 11:56:04 GMT, Crop dusting
Crop dusting 
A helicopter started spraying the field 1 mile NW (and on E side of road?) about 20 minutes 
ago.  Note that dawn is now breaking - he flew for at least 15 min in total darkness. 
(The moon set about an hour ago.)   
There were another pair of planes which made a few passes over the field to the S about 
midnight.  I don't know what they were doing. 
99: LOG , Site none, Fri 26-Jul-1991 15:26:12 GMT, Took photos from front of array this mo
Took photos from front of array this morning. 
Note that I took photos at the array of  
individual towers and sensors on Sunday, 
July 21. 
100: LOG , Site none, Fri 26-Jul-1991 15:52:52 GMT, Measurements of canopy height:
Measurements of canopy height: 
spo began measurements of canopy height 
relative to the tower bases on July 20. 
He placed tape at 5 cm intervals on the 
momentum flux, psychrometer, and conditional 
sampler towers and then sighted these marks  
from seven locations along the base walkway 
~10 m south of the tower line.  The sighting 
lines are: 
1:  e end of walkway to cs tower 
2:  s of cs tower to cs tower 
3:  s of scalar flux tower to psyc tower 
4:  s of psyc tower to psyc tower 
7:  s of prop tower to psyc tower 
5:  s of prop tower to momf tower 
6:  s of momf tower to momf tower 
The data are: 
	1	2	3	4	5	6	7 
7/20	73	68	79	75	88	78	83 
7/26	80	75	95	80	93	80	88 
101: LOG , Site none, Fri 26-Jul-1991 16:02:46 GMT, /home at 95% at 8am pdt.
/home at 95% at 8am pdt. 
/home at 51% at 9am pdt and 
after doing backup. 
117: LOG , Site none, Tue 30-Jul-1991 00:08:28 GMT, Power Failure occurred at 23:15, JD 210
Power Failure occurred at 23:15, JD 210. 
One consequence was a fire in the straw at 
the end of the copper line outlet from the 
O3 analyzer.  We turned off the NO bottle 
and extinguished the fire.  Dick Pearson 
thinks that the power failure caused a 
relief valve to stick open, dumping 
excessive NO(?) out the copper line, and 
generating heat in the straw by an 
exothermic reaction with the atmosphere. 
We have left the O3 analyzer in its 
present state pending repair by Dick. 
Steve Semmer is restarting the ADAM's. 
130: LOG , Site none, Wed 31-Jul-1991 21:20:52 GMT, Irrigation of array area.
Irrigation of array area. 
At approximately 1400 hrs today the irrigation water flooded the 
furrows under the array. All furrows apparently are flooded. 
164: LOG , Site none, Wed 13-Nov-1991 17:45:38 GMT, SJVAQS data requested by Bill Massman;
SJVAQS data requested by Bill Massman; massman.req 
This listing checked by Tony and Bill on Tuesday 26 Nov 91. 
The request is for 30 minute averages reported at 15 and 45 minutes 
past the hour. The time to be used is Pacific Daylight Time.  (PDT = GMT -   ) 
When data is absent or suspect use -999 
All secondary products can be calculated from 5 minute covars. 
Nf refers to north furrow, r refers to ridge, and Sf refers to south furrow. 
TIME          Report the time in the form YYJJJHHMM. eg 911900345 
ITBRK         =1 if previous 30 minute data is absent 
              =0 if previous 30 minute data is present 
SWO    W m-2, (Short Wave Out), channel:            ragwort 103 psp.out.rad 
SWI    W m-2, (Short Wave In),  channel:            ragwort 102 
LWO    W m-2, (Long Wave Out), channels:            ragwort 101 pyg.out.rad 
                                                    ragwort 106 pyg.out.dome 
                                                    ragwort 107 
               LWO = pyg.out.rad 
                       - (3.5 * 5.67*10**-8)(pyg.out.dome**4 -**4) 
LWI    W m-2, (Long Wave In), channels:             ragwort 100 
                                                    ragwort 104 
                                                    ragwort 105 
               LWI = 
                       - (3.5 * 5.67*10**-8)(**4 -**4) 
Rn     W m-2, (Net radiation), channel:             ragwort 108 (net).rad 
                        AND Sf REFERS TO SOUTH FURROW. 
G8Nf   W m-2, (Soil ht flux 8cm N furrow), channel: ragwort 110(G1).8cm 
G8r    W m-2, (Soil ht flux 8cm ridge), channel:    ragwort 111(G2).8cm 
G8Sf   W m-2, (Soil ht flux 8cm S furrow), channel: ragwort 112(G3).8cm 
G8     W m-2, (Soil ht flux 8cm mean), G8 = mean (G8Nf, G8r, G8Sf) 
GNf    W m-2, (Soil ht flux surface N furrow),  
            GNf(i) = G8Nf(i) 
                     + Csoilf*(0.08)*(TsoilNf(i+1)-TsoilNf(i-1))/(t(i+1)-t(i-1)) 
               where (i-1) refers to data recorded at t(i-1)seconds 
                 and (i+1) refers to data recorded at t(i+1)seconds 
               and where    Csoilf = (1.070 + 6.12 wf) * 10**6 
                        (J degK-1 m-3) 
           (wf is listed in file gravmoist and logbook entry 167) 
Gr     W m-2, (Soil ht flux surface ridge),  
               Gr(i) = G8r(i) 
                       + Csoilr*(0.08)*(Tsoilr(i+1)-Tsoilr(i-1))/(t(i+1)-t(i-1)) 
               where (i-1) refers to data recorded at t(i-1)seconds 
                 and (i+1) refers to data recorded at t(i+1)seconds 
               and where    Csoilr = (0.993 + 5.7 wr) * 10**6 
                        (J degK-1 m-3) 
           (wr is listed in file gravmoist and logbook entry 167) 
GSf    W m-2, (Soil ht flux surface S furrow),  
            GSf(i) = G8Sf(i) 
                     + Csoilf*(0.08)*(TsoilSf(i+1)-TsoilSf(i-1))/(t(i+1)-t(i-1)) 
               where (i-1) refers to data recorded at t(i-1)seconds 
                 and (i+1) refers to data recorded at t(i+1)seconds 
               and where    Csoilf = (1.070 + 6.12 wf) * 10**6 
                        (J degK-1 m-3) 
           (wf is listed in file gravmoist and logbook entry 167) 
G      W m-2, (Soil ht flux surface mean), G = mean (GNf, Gr, GSf) 
E      mg m-2 s-1 (Water vapor flux from Krypton hygrom and UW sonic at 5meters) 
                                          channels: ragwort 109 (q_h2o)_uv.5m  
                                                    ragwort 200 (w).5m.uw.ed 
                  output is in g m-2 s-1, multiply by 10**3 
LE     W m-2, (Latent ht flux), 
                     E * 2.42 = LE 
              (mg m-2 s-1)(J mg-1)    (J s-1 m-2)=(W m-2) 
Hs    deg ms-1, (Sensible ht flux), channels:       marigold 108 (t).5m.uw.ed 
                                                    marigold 200 (w).5m.uw.ed 
H     W m-2, (Sensible ht flux),  
                 Hs * 1.17 * 10**3  =  H 
             (deg ms-1)(J m-3 deg-1) (J s-1 m-2)=(W m-2) 
PAR   umole m-2 s-1, (Photosynthetically Active Radiation), 
                                     channel:  ragwort 113 par.rad 
              THIS DATA DOES EXIST 
P     kPa,  (Pressure),                    channel: cosmos 200(p1,p2,p3).baro 
                 Take the mean of the three sensors. 
ustar ms-1, (Friction velocity), Use the data from the Flux Tower 5m sonic. 
                 channels:                          cosmos 201(u).5m.uw.ed 
                                                    cosmos 201(w).5m.uw.ed 
zoL         (Stability parameter) 
            zoL = -kgz Hs/(ustar**3 (Ta5+273.16)) 
                = -19.62*Hs*(ustar**-3)*((Ta5+273.16)**-1) 
Tsurf   degC, (Infrared surface temp of leaf and soil seen from the dark-horse) 
                                           channel: ragwort 109(t).surface 
Tsoil   degC, (Infrared soil surface) 
Tsoil8r degC, (Soil temp 8cm ridge), channel:       ragwort 201 (T.furrow.8cm) 
Tsoil8Nf degC, (Soil temp 8cm furrow), channel:      ragwort 201 (T.ridge.8cm) 
Tsoil8  degC, (Soil temp 8cm mean), Tsoil8 = mean(Tsoil8r, Tsoil8f) 
                    ragwort 116 (Tsoil).a 
                    ragwort 117 (Tsoil).a.index 
                    ragwort 118 (Tsoil).b 
                    ragwort 119 (Tsoil).b.index 
                    ragwort 120 (Tsoil).c 
                    ragwort 121 (Tsoil).c.index 
(which are the soil temps N furrow, ridge, and S furrow at depths 1, 3, 5, 7 cm) 
Tsoil1Nf degC 
Tsoil3Nf degC 
Tsoil5Nf degC 
Tsoil7Nf degC 
TsoilNf degC     The average of the 1, 3, 5, 7, cm Nf temperatures 
Tsoil1r degC 
Tsoil3r degC 
Tsoil5r degC 
Tsoil7r degC 
Tsoilr degC     The average of the 1, 3, 5, 7, cm r temperatures 
Tsoil1Sf degC 
Tsoil3Sf degC 
Tsoil5Sf degC 
Tsoil7Sf degC 
TsoilSf degC     The average of the 1, 3, 5, 7, cm Sf temperatures 
Ta.5    degC, (Atmospheric temp at 0.5m), channel:  ragwort 202(tdry)..5m 
Ta1.5   degC, (Atmospheric temp at 1.5m), channel:  ragwort 203(tdry).1.5m 
Ta3     degC, (Atmospheric temp at 3.0m), channel:  ragwort 204(tdry).3m 
Ta5     degC, (Atmospheric temp at 5.0m), channel:  ragwort 205(tdry).5m 
Ta7.5   degC, (Atmospheric temp at 7.5m), channel:  ragwort 206(tdry).7.5m 
Ta10    degC, (Atmospheric temp at 10.m), channel:  ragwort 207(tdry).10m 
              For the following use twet and tdry in degrees K 
                   degrees K = degrees C + 273.16 
              ea = (2.1718 * 10**7 * exp(-4157/twet-33.91)) 
                   - (8.42 * 10**-4 * ((twet-33.91)/twet)**2 * P(tdry-twet)) 
ea.5    kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 0.5m), channels:  ragwort 202(tdry,twet)..5m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
ea1.5   kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 1.5m), channels:  ragwort 203(tdry,twet).1.5m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
ea3     kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 3.0m), channels:  ragwort 204(tdry,twet).3m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
ea5     kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 5.0m), channels:  ragwort 205(tdry,twet).5m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
ea7.5   kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 7.5m), channels:  ragwort 206(tdry,twet).7.5m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
ea10    kPa, (Water vap. pres. at 10.m), channels:  ragwort 207(tdry,twet).10m 
                                                    cosmos  200(p1,p2,p3,).baro 
WD      degrees, (Wind direction at 5 meters), 
                                           channel: cosmos 205(u,v).5m.prop 
Ua1.5   m s-1, (Wind speed at 1.5 meters), channel: cosmos 203(u,v).1.5.prop 
Ua3     m s-1, (Wind speed at 3.0 meters), channel: cosmos 204(u,v).3.prop 
Ua5     m s-1, (Wind speed at 5.0 meters), channel: cosmos 205(u,v).5.prop 
Ua7.5   m s-1, (Wind speed at 7.5 meters), channel: cosmos 206(u,v).7.5.prop 
Ua10    m s-1, (Wind speed at 10. meters), channel: cosmos 207(u,v).10.prop 
CO2C    mg m-3, (Carbon dioxide concentration), 
                                           channel: marigold 201(co2).5m 
                Output is in g m-3. Multiply by 10**3 
CO2V    ppmv,   (Carbon dioxide mixing ratio), 
                           CO2C * 0.19 * (Ta5+273.16) * P**-1  = CO2V 
                           (mg m-3)       (ppm/mg m-3)         (ppmv) 
                           Where  Ta5 (degC) and P (kPa) 
FCO2C   mg m-2 s-1, (CO2 mass flux), channels;      marigold 201(co2).5m 
                                                    marigold 200(w).5m.uw.ed 
                 Output is in g m-2 s-1. Multiply by 10**3 
FCO2E   W m-2, (CO2 equivalent energy flux), FCO2C * 11.3 = FCO2E 
                                        (mg m-2 s-1)(J mg-1)    (J s-1 m-2) 
O3      ppbv,  (Ozone mixing ratio), channel:       marigold 100(o3) 
FO3     ppbv mms-1 (Ozone flux), channels:          marigold 100(o3) 
                                                    marigold 200(w).5m.uw.ed 
                 Output is in ppbv ms-1. Multiply by 10**3 
165: LOG , Site none, Thu 14-Nov-1991 22:14:26 GMT, Status of calibrations:
Status of calibrations: 
 A. Radiation sensors (Analog).  
Eppley Precision Spectrometer uplooking, SWI,, 
Eppley Precision Spectrometer downlooking, SWO, psp.out.rad, 
Eppley Pyrgeometer uplooking, LWI, (,, 
Eppley Pyrgeometer downlooking, LWO, (pyg.out.rad, pyg.out.dome, 
Net radiometer, Rn, (net).rad 
Analog calibration factors for these sensors are on file in the calibration lab. 
Logbook entry 163 lists all these calibration factors. 
They have been  checked against those used in the  
SJVAQS project prep.config file. 
There was agreement except for the where the wrong 
calibration was entered. There has been a mix-up between 
the two net radiometers and their calibrations. As the difference is only 
0.75% the value will not be changed. 
Calibration  factors for the thermistors measuring the dome and 
case temperatures  are on file in the calibration lab. 
Logbook entry 163 lists all these calibration factors. 
They have been  checked against those used in the  
SJVAQS project prep.config file. 
 B. Soil heat flux plates (Analog).  
The logbook entry 163 lists the calibration factors supplied by the manufacture. 
Logbook entry 163 lists all these calibration factors. 
They have been  checked against those used in the  
SJVAQS project prep.config file. 
 C. Soil temperatures (Serial). 
The sensor calibrations were carried out and loaded prior to deployment. 
We have verified that the 8 cm soil temperature sensors were interchanged. 
The temperature reported for Tsoil8r corresponds to that for Tsoil8f and  
the temperature reported for Tsoil8f corresponds to that for Tsoil8s. 
 D. Soil temperatures (Multiplexed analog). 
The three multiplexed soil temperature arrays; 
a(1,3,5,7), b(1,3,5,7),and c(1,3,5,7)  each have complete sets of 
thermistor coefficients which are noted in logbook entry 163. 
For the purpose of generating real-time temperatures, however, only mean sets of 
thermistor coefficients were used during the deployment. 
For the post deployment data processing which involves de-multiplexing the 
complete sets given in logbook entry 163 should be used. 
 E. Wind speed and direction (Serial). 
The sensor calibrations were carried out and loaded prior to deployment. 
The locations of the propvanes on the tower were verified during the deployment. 
The alignment of the propvanes in the field was determined using a theodolite 
twice during the SJVAQS deployment, after set-up and during teardown. 
See logbook entries #  and  #. 
 F. Wet and dry temperatures (Serial). 
The sensor calibrations were carried out and loaded prior to deployment. 
The locations of the psychrometers on the tower were verified during the  
 G. Pressure (Serial). 
The sensor calibrations were carried out and loaded prior to deployment. 
 H. Sonic anemometers (Serial). 
The despiked data is now available in stout/rdss/aster/projects/SJVAQS91/ops1 
For the period before JD 204 use cal routine sonic_uw_4b 
For the period after JD 204 use the cal routine sonic_uw_3b 
 I. AIR fast temperature sensors (Analog). 
This data is alright 
 J. Krypton hygrometer (Serial). 
This data is alright 
 K. Infra red CO2 sensor (Serial). 
This data is alright 
 L. Fast ozone sensor (Analog). 
Dick Pearson will provide the calibration factors for this sensor. 
168: LOG , Site none, Tue 19-Nov-1991 23:23:16 GMT, Compendium of conversion factors used f
Compendium of conversion factors used for data processing. 
1. 1 J s-1 = 1 Watt 
2. degree K = degree C + 273.16 
3. Gravimetric soil moisture = 
                       (mass of fresh soil - mass of dry soil)/mass of dry soil 
4. Calculation of water vapour pressure 
             twet and tdry in degree K 
             e = (2.1718 * 10**7 * exp(-4157/twet-33.91)) 
                 -(8.42 * 10**-4 * ((twet-33.91)/twet)**2 * P(tdry - twet)) 
5. Stefan/Boltzman relationship. 
              The black body radiation assumes an emissivity factor of 1.0 
              Emitted energy = 5.67 * 10**-8 T**4 
               (W m-2)                      (degree K) 
6. The conversion for ppmv and mg m-3 for CO2  
 Molar volume = 22.414 liter (stp) 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 m3(stp). 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (T/273.16) m3(ambient) 
where P in kPa and T in degreeK 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * ((Ta5 +273.16) /273.16) m3 
           Molecular weight of CO2 = 44.01 g 
44.01 g  CO2  = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 g  CO2  = 2.2414/44.01 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 mg CO2  = 2.2414/44.01 * 10**-5 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 m3 CO2  = (2.2414/44.01*10**-5*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 mg 
 1 m3 CO2 m-3 = (2.2414/44.01*10**-5*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 mg m-3 
              = 10**6 ppmv 
 1 ppmv  CO2  = 10**-6 * (1 m3 CO2 m-3) 
	      = 10**-6 * 
                  (2.2414/44.01*10**-5*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 mg m-3 
              = 5.29 * P/(Ta5+273.16) mg m-3 
and conversely 
 1 mg m-3 CO2 = 1.89 * 10**-1 * (Ta5+273.16)/P ppmv 
To use these factors  
              CO2V   = CO2M * 1.89 * 10**-1 * (Ta5+273.16)/P  
              ppmv    mg m-3     
7. The conversion for ppbv and ug m-3 for O3  
 Molar volume = 22.414 liter (stp) 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 m3(stp). 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (T/273.16) m3(ambient) 
where P in kPa and T in degreeK 
              = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * ((Ta5 +273.16) /273.16) m3 
           Molecular weight of O3 = 48.00 g 
48.00 g   O3  = 2.2414 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 g   O3  = 2.2414/48.00 * 10**-2 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 ug  O3  = 2.2414/48.00 * 10**-8 * (101.3/P) * (Ta5 +273.16 /273.16) m3 
 1.00 m3  O3  = (2.2414/48.00*10**-8*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 ug 
 1 m3  O3 m-3 = (2.2414/48.00*10**-8*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 ug m-3 
              = 10**9 ppbv 
 1 ppbv   O3  = 10**-9 * (1 m3 CO2 m-3) 
	      = 10**-9 * 
                  (2.2414/48.00*10**-8*(101.3/P)*(Ta5+273.16/273.16))**-1 ug m-3 
              = 5.77 * P/(Ta5+273.16) ug m-3 
and conversely 
 1 ug m-3  O3 = 1.73 *10**-1 * (Ta5+273.16)/P ppbv 
To use these factors remember that FO3V is reported in ppbv MILLEMETER s-1 
               O3M   = O3V * 5.77 * P/(Ta5+273.16) ug m-3 
             ug m-3    ppbv 
              FO3M   = FO3V * 10**3 * 5.77 * P/(Ta5+273.16) ug m-3 
          ug m-2 s-1  ppbv mms-1 
8. Conversion factor for water vapor flux 
      ie the amount of energy required to evaporate a mass of water. 
                     1.0 W m-2  = 2.42 MJ kg(H2O)**-1 
                     1.0 kg     = 2.42 MJ 
                     1.0 kg s-1 = 2.42 MJ s-1 
                                = 2.42 * 10**6 W 
9. Conversion factor for sensible heat flux 
                     1.0 degree K m s-1 = 1.17 *10**3 J m-2  
             CHECK THIS 
10. Conversion factor for carbon dioxide flux 
11. Conversion factor for ozone flux 
169: LOG , Site none, Thu 05-Mar-1992 21:56:27 GMT, GRAPHICAL OUTPUT FOR SJVAQS REPORT.
     Five panels per page with one page per day. 
     Each day starts at midnight local time. 
     Index the date and time on the X axis with local time and date 
	along the bottom axis and JD and gmt along the top. 
     Use multiple scaling for the different parameters. 
     Maintain constant scaling throughout series. 
 1. T degrees C (Ta5), p kPa (P), and q gkg-1 (q5). 
 2. Wind speed ms-1 (Ua5), and wind direction degrees (WD). 
 3. Net radiation Wm-2 (Rn), sensible heat flux Wm-2 (H), latent heat 
    flux Wm-2 (LE), and surface heat flux Wm-2 (G). 
 4. Stability (zoL), and stress cm s-1 (ustar). 
 5. Photosynthetically active radiation umole m-2 s-1 (PAR), ozone mass 
    depositional flux ug m-2 s-1 (FO3M), and carbon dioxide mass depositional 
    flux mg m-2 s-1 (FCO2M) 
B. OUTPUT FOR AN ARCHETYPAL DAY (10 JULY 1991 = 910757,0700 - 910758,0700.) 
                                  CHECK THIS DATE AND JULIAN DAY   
     Three panels per page. 
     The day starts at midnight local time. 
     Index the date and time on the X axis with local time and date 
	along the bottom axis and JD and gmt along the top. 
     Use multiple scaling for the different parameters. 
 1. Radiation:  SWI, SWO, LWI, LWO, and Rn. 
                all in W m-2 
 2. Energy components: Rn, LE, H, G. 
                all in W m-2 
 3. Soil  Ridge values: G8r, Tsoil1r, Tsoil3r, Tsoil5r, Tsoil7r, and Gr. 
                in W m-2 and degreeC 
 4. Soil Furrow values: G8Nf, Tsoil1Nf, Tsoil3Nf, Tsoil5Nf, Tsoil7Nf, and GNf. 
                in W m-2 and degreeC 
 5. Biophysical parameters: PAR, FCO2E, LE, LE/FCO2E, and Tsurf. 
                in umoles m-2 s-1, W m-2, and degreeC 
 6. Fluxes: O3V, FO3V, FO3V/O3V. 
                in ppbv, ppbv m-2, and m s-1 
 7. Profiles, temperature: Ta.5, Ta1.5, Ta3, Ta5, Ta7.5, and Ta10. 
                in degreeC 
 8. Profiles, water vapor pressure: ea.5, ea1.5, ea3, ea5, ea7.5, and ea10. 
                in kPa 
 9. Profiles, wind speed: Ua.5, Ua1.5, Ua3, Ua5, Ua7.5, and Ua10. 
		in m s-1 
     All on one page. 
     Index the date and time on the X axis with local time and date 
	along the bottom axis and JD and gmt along the top. 
     Use multiple scaling for the different parameters. 
 1. On a single panel a time plot of: 
                          albedo from SWO/SWI for local time noon +_ 1hour. 
                          gravimetric soil moisture. 
                          crop height. 
                          leaf area index. 
 2. An XY plot of stress and stability, ustar and zoL. 
 3. Three plots of hour and JD for each ADAM.